Financial Planning Philosophy
Financial Planning Philosophy
Written by Kelly S. Olson Pedersen, CFP®, CDFA
Something that we often hear when we start working with a new client is “I had no idea what I was missing until I came to Caissa”. The Caissa financial planning philosophy is the core of our service.
Many financial advisors provide their clients a “financial plan” that will give them a snapshot of what their financial future might look like. This may be something that is provided one time or maybe it might be tweaked once a year or every few years.
At Caissa, our approach to financial planning is VERY different! We believe it is not just pretty graphs and something that is done once and never looked at again, but that is our essential guide that must be updated, reviewed and stress tested continually.
Much like a strategy in chess, our financial plans integrate every piece on your financial board of life. We begin with your cash flow and net worth pieces as well as assess your investment structures and tax returns to generate your financial plan. We have been in the trenches when it comes to taxes and are a little bit geeky in that we really enjoy looking for potential deductions and savings.
Our clients laugh a little when we tell them we want to actually read their group life and disability policies! But we know that by doing this, we can identify any gaps that need to be filled.
If you’re not sure when you should start drawing social security, we layout the options and determine which one will maximize your benefit.
We analyze your wills and trusts and even work with your attorney to make sure that you have all your ducks in a row and most importantly – that you understand the plan.
Once we have integrated all of the financial pieces, we stress test for toxic events we call torpedoes: What if we lived to 100? Or died at 50? What if we became disabled? Our clients know exactly what would happen in each case because we continually run scenarios to illustrate many possibilities. This gives our clients the confidence and peace of mind to know they will be able to not only get to but through retirement, no matter what challenges life throws their way.
Caissa Wealth Strategies is a fee based registered investment advisory firm, specializing in personal, dynamic wealth management. Based in Bloomington, Minnesota, Caissa financial planning professionals provide individualized strategies for every client. You can expect more from CAISSA, and in turn, you will get a fiercely loyal advocate on your side. For more news and information on wealth management solutions, visit Caissa Wealth.